Highlights of Experience:
I received my Florida license in 1986 and have completed approximately 300 hours of continuing education classes in multiple modalities and related studies including (not limited to): Neuromuscular, Myofascial Release, Oncology, Cranial Sacral, Feldenkrais and Trigger Point Therapies. Over the years I have practiced in three different chiropractic clinics, Sarasota Memorial's HealthFit facility, and have had my own practices providing medical and relaxation massage.
I perform both medical massage and relaxation/stress reduction massage in my practice. For medical massage I primarily use a combination of Neuromuscular Therapy, Structural, and Myofacial Release with a Deep Swedish as a connective overall modality. Although these are my primary modalities, I create an unique therapy session depending on the needs and responses of the client. Relaxation massage I primarily use a mix of Swedish, Esalen, light stretching and Cranial Sacral therapies; again structured depending on the needs of the client.
I welcome any questions and feedback on your treatment plan and services, so please feel free to speak to me openly.